What are Klasha USD accounts/IBANs?

Klasha USD IBANs allow merchants to create USD accounts using their business names. They work like regular bank accounts, with unique IBANs that can be funded via transfers, cards, and deposits.

Which businesses can create the USD IBANs?

Businesses that are not Fintechs and are not registered in a sanctioned country can create the Klasha USD IBANs.

What are the necessary documents to apply for an IBAN?

As a registered Klasha merchant, you do not need to upload any documents. You only need to provide additional information about your company directors and account beneficiaries.

How to request USD IBAN on Klasha

To request an IBAN, you need to create a USD wallet.

The provided details will be reviewed, and if successful, an account will be issued within 48 hours. You'll be notified via email once the review is completed. If approved, the account details will be displayed on your dashboard.

Which countries can create the USD IBANs?

Any country NOT in the list below can create and use Klasha’s USD IBANs.

ISO  Code 2 Digit
ISO Transactional (Bank Transfers In &
Bank Transfers Out)
Afghanistan AFG AF Afghanistan
Albania ALB AL N/A
American Samoa ASM AS N/A
Anguilla AIA AI N/A
Armenia ARM AM N/A
Azerbaijan AZE AZ Azerbaijan
Barbados BRB BB N/A
Belarus BLR BY Belarus
Benin BEN BJ N/A
Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH BA N/A
Burkina Faso BFA BF Burkina Faso
Burundi BDI BI Burundi
Cambodia KHM KH N/A
Cape Verde CPV CV N/A
Central African Republic CAF CF Central African Republic
Congo, The Democratic Republic of COD CD Congo, The Democratic Republic of
Cote d'Ivoire CIV CI N/A
Cuba CUB CU Cuba
Equatorial Guinea GNQ GQ N/A
Eritrea ERI ER Eritrea
Gambia GMB GM N/A
Guinea GIN GN Guinea
Guinea-Bissau GNB GW Guinea-Bissau
Haiti HTI HT Haiti
Iran, Islamic Republic of IRN IR Iran, Islamic Republic of
Iraq IRQ IQ Iraq
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
KP Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
Kosovo XKX XK N/A
Lao, People's Democratic Republic LAO LA N/A
Lebanon LBN LB Lebanon
Liberia LBR LR N/A
Libya LBY LY Libya
Mali MLI ML Mali
Marshall Islands MHL MH Marshall Islands
Moldova, Republic of MDA MD N/A
Mongolia MNG MN N/A
Montenegro MNE ME Montenegro
Myanmar MMR MM Myanmar