Klasha USD IBANs allow merchants to create USD accounts using their business names. They work like regular bank accounts, with unique IBANs that can be funded via transfers, cards, and deposits.
Businesses that are not Fintechs and are not registered in a sanctioned country can create the Klasha USD IBANs.
As a registered Klasha merchant, you do not need to upload any documents. You only need to provide additional information about your company directors and account beneficiaries.
To request an IBAN, you need to create a USD wallet.
The provided details will be reviewed, and if successful, an account will be issued within 48 hours. You'll be notified via email once the review is completed. If approved, the account details will be displayed on your dashboard.
Any country NOT in the list below can create and use Klasha’s USD IBANs.
Countries | |||
ISO Code | 2 Digit | ||
ISO | Transactional (Bank Transfers In & | ||
Bank Transfers Out) | |||
Afghanistan | AFG | AF | Afghanistan |
Albania | ALB | AL | N/A |
American Samoa | ASM | AS | N/A |
Anguilla | AIA | AI | N/A |
Armenia | ARM | AM | N/A |
Azerbaijan | AZE | AZ | Azerbaijan |
Barbados | BRB | BB | N/A |
Belarus | BLR | BY | Belarus |
Benin | BEN | BJ | N/A |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BIH | BA | N/A |
Burkina Faso | BFA | BF | Burkina Faso |
Burundi | BDI | BI | Burundi |
Cambodia | KHM | KH | N/A |
Cape Verde | CPV | CV | N/A |
Central African Republic | CAF | CF | Central African Republic |
Congo, The Democratic Republic of | COD | CD | Congo, The Democratic Republic of |
Cote d'Ivoire | CIV | CI | N/A |
Cuba | CUB | CU | Cuba |
Equatorial Guinea | GNQ | GQ | N/A |
Eritrea | ERI | ER | Eritrea |
Fiji | FJI | FJ | N/A |
Gambia | GMB | GM | N/A |
Guam | GUM | GU | N/A |
Guinea | GIN | GN | Guinea |
Guinea-Bissau | GNB | GW | Guinea-Bissau |
Haiti | HTI | HT | Haiti |
Iran, Islamic Republic of | IRN | IR | Iran, Islamic Republic of |
Iraq | IRQ | IQ | Iraq |
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of | |||
PRK | |||
KP | Korea, Democratic People's Republic of | ||
Kosovo | XKX | XK | N/A |
Lao, People's Democratic Republic | LAO | LA | N/A |
Lebanon | LBN | LB | Lebanon |
Liberia | LBR | LR | N/A |
Libya | LBY | LY | Libya |
Mali | MLI | ML | Mali |
Marshall Islands | MHL | MH | Marshall Islands |
Moldova, Republic of | MDA | MD | N/A |
Mongolia | MNG | MN | N/A |
Montenegro | MNE | ME | Montenegro |
Myanmar | MMR | MM | Myanmar |